8 Powerful Client Follow Up Survey Questions

5 min readApr 11, 2022


Clients are the lifeblood of your business.

They bring in the cash, allowing you to take care of the essential things, like paying your employees and your bills.

Take care of your clients, and they’ll take care of you in return.

To show them how much you appreciate their business, send out an occasional client follow-up survey asking how they feel about their experience with your product or service.

Whether they’d recommend it to others, and if there’s anything you can do to improve things in the future.

In this article, we’ll discuss 8 of the most powerful questions to include in your client follow up survey — plus the reasons why these are so effective at improving customer satisfaction

1) How was your experience with us?

Every business should be asking clients how their experience was. It’s a great way to both understand if you are hitting your targets and if there are opportunities for improvement.

After all, one person’s view might not represent an entire company. Understanding whether you’re providing good service means gathering feedback from every client-positive or negative-to determining what you need to improve.

When sending out a survey, don’t rely on standard questions; these will get boring quickly and won’t provide any valuable information.

Instead, use more open-ended questions that will allow you to dig deeper into what clients think about your business.

2) Did you find what you were looking for?

This question allows you to determine if your product or service delivers on its promise.

If customers answer no, find out why and modify your approach accordingly.

If they say yes, ask what they thought of your service to determine whether there are any areas for improvement.

Either way, asking a customer’s opinion about their experience can provide valuable information about serving that person in future interactions best.

3) Did we meet your expectations?

Customers tend to be satisfied or dissatisfied with a company’s service and offerings.

A post-purchase survey can help you gauge customer satisfaction to tailor your services to make sure clients are more likely to return for repeat business.

It’s also an opportunity to thank customers for their business and ask them if they would recommend your company or product, which helps build loyalty between customer and brand.

Remember that customer feedback can provide insight into potential concerns or areas of improvement, so take action based on how your customers responded to each question.

For example, if most respondents said they were unsatisfied with delivery time, work on improving lead times by speeding up production and revising shipping processes.

4) If a customer service representative could be more helpful, how would they improve?

This question is a great way to learn more about your customers’ priorities and understand how you can improve. You can even ask for suggestions on how to do that:

  • What could we do differently?
  • What would make you want to come back more often?

This will give you even more feedback from your customer base, which should help guide future strategies. It may also reveal an opportunity for upselling or cross-selling.

  • Is there a related product or service that might be of interest?
  • Is there something else they’d like us to provide?

In addition, it’s important to remember that everyone who calls or visits represents many other potential clients who could benefit from our services.

5) Would you recommend us to a friend or colleague?

Include questions such as:

  • Why do you think so? What made it easy?
  • What would make it easier?
  • If you could tell us one thing to improve, what would it be and why? Would you use our product/service again?: Why or why not?
  • Could we have done anything better?: If yes, what was it, and how can we avoid making that mistake again in future contacts with clients/potential clients?
  • Are there any things you liked about us (or appreciated)?
  • How did they affect your experience of our service/product, and why do you feel that way?
  • Do you have any suggestions for improvement?: At which point in your relationship with us did these ideas come to mind, and how might we adapt for a better experience next time around.

6) How likely are you to use our services again in the future?

This simple survey question will help you understand how satisfied your client is with your services and prompt them to think about coming back.

This will let you know how much effort should be put into following up.

For example, if they answered 4 out of 5 stars, they were likely delighted with your service, and you can feel confident that they would use it again.

If they replied with 2 or 3 out of 5 stars, some areas likely need improvement before using your services again.

One way to quickly improve customer satisfaction is through case study follow-up surveys; these surveys allow you to build upon areas of excellence while also learning more about any weaknesses in your services.

7) What can we do better in the future?

The follow-up survey question you should always ask your clients is What can we do better in the future?

This will give you direct feedback on how your company performed to meet their expectations.

If there are problems, most clients will be honest and direct in letting you know which is a valuable opportunity to make improvements where they are needed.

By being proactive and asking for client feedback, you also help cement your relationship with them. After all, who would want to do business with a company that didn’t care enough to get feedback?

8) Did our salesperson get back to you as soon as possible?

Ask whether or not your salesperson was responsive and available to answer questions. If they were helpful and willing to go above and beyond, now is a good time to reward that good behavior by making them feel appreciated.

Conversely, suppose your salesperson was slow to respond or didn’t give you all of the information you requested. In that case, you have an opportunity to win them back by explaining how disappointed you were in their performance and how they can fix it next time.

Keeping people happy and keeping your clients happy is one of the most important aspects of creating brand loyalty.

Free Client Follow Up Survey Template

You can use our ready-made client follow-up survey template to get started. And if you want to build an online form from scratch, sign up with our free online form builder today.

Originally published at https://heyform.net.




Written by Technewtrends

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