6 Questions To Include In A Teacher Feedback Form

4 min readJun 16, 2022


Here are some of the best questions you can include in a teacher feedback form.

A teacher feedback form, also known as a teaching evaluation form, can be used to evaluate the performance of an instructor or lecturer to help them improve their teaching methods and learn how they can better meet the needs of their students.

It’s important to consider what questions you should include in your feedback form. These will help you understand how students feel about your teaching skills, knowledge, and overall performance as an instructor.

These six questions will give you insight into each student’s experience in your class and allow you to identify areas where you need to improve your teaching strategy.

1) What are the positives and negatives of my lesson?

Try not to nitpick a lesson after one session; give it at least three sessions before you start digging into feedback. Also, ensure you’re first familiar with your lesson plan to know what to look for when receiving feedback. Ask specific questions:

  • How many of your students were engaged in class today?
  • What suggestions do you have for improving my next lesson?

The more detailed and concrete, the better!

2) What could I do better next time?

One of my favorite questions to ask. It’s always valuable to hear how you can improve your teaching. It’s essential to get specific feedback so you can pinpoint exactly what a student or parent didn’t like about your performance and why they didn’t like it so you can adjust in future lessons or presentations.

If a few students mention something similar, take notice. Try not to take things personally; we’re all human, and we make mistakes from time to time, but learn from them and use them to grow in your profession.

3) Was there anything interesting in my lesson?

As a new teacher, you probably have no idea what your lesson was like. It’s important to ask questions on your feedback form to discover what happened during class.

This will help you figure out whether or not something went wrong and how to fix it. For example, if students are complaining that they didn’t understand what you were teaching, consider doing some research into teaching methods and learning styles so that next time you can modify your presentation style accordingly.

Asking questions will also give you an idea of what students need to learn from their teachers, which will serve as valuable information for future lessons.

4) How would you rate this lesson out of 10?

Teaching is a performance-based profession, and teaching young people makes that even more apparent. Teachers need regular feedback on how they’re doing to adjust their teaching style as needed.

Depending on your specific context, you might want to include questions like:

  • How would you rate our teacher’s ability to relate content to real life?
  • How would you rate your teacher’s use of multimedia?
  • Is there anything we could do better next time?

Such questions are beneficial for supplementing a one-off survey.

5) How did you find the marking scheme?

There should be no ambiguity in your marking scheme. The marking scheme you’ve chosen may not be as accessible to all of your teachers, especially if English is not their first language.

The most crucial question every teacher will ask themselves after reading and teaching from your feedback form is, How did I do? If your answer comes with a level of confusion or subjectivity, it’s probably not compelling enough for real-world application.

For example, You were excellent! Your presentation style was fantastic! The teacher is left wondering how they were outstanding in a presentation style. What more could they have done to earn that praise.

6) Do you have any suggestions for improvement?

The most important thing to remember is that while you may have a good idea of what your child does well and what he or she needs help with, it’s not about you-it’s about them.

Don’t be afraid to ask the students how they are doing and if there is anything specific they need from you to do better in class.

Most importantly, understand that being a student is hard work! Teachers often have more students than they can handle in any given period, so it may be difficult for teachers to provide individualized feedback.

Asking your students how they did on a test or assignment will help identify whether there are more fundamental problems.


You can never gather too much feedback from your students. It’s important to recognize what works and what doesn’t when it comes to teaching so you can focus on improving.

If you hear a piece of feedback that resonates with you, consider incorporating it into your classroom routine to see if there is any improvement. What worked for one student may work for another as well, so don’t be afraid to experiment!

Free teacher feedback form template.

You can use our ready-made teacher feedback form template to get started. And if you want to build an online form from scratch, sign up with our free online form builder today.

Originally published at https://heyform.net.




Written by Technewtrends

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