5 Of The Most Common Student Survey Questions

3 min readDec 22, 2021

Creating surveys that ask the right questions can get a more accurate idea of your students’ satisfaction with your courses. But simply asking questions isn’t enough; you need to make sure that you ask the right questions to ensure you get the information you need from your students.

Take a look at these five student survey questions and see if any of them could work in your classroom next year!

Did you find this course valuable?

This is one of those questions that’s always valuable to ask, particularly if you want to gauge whether or not your course is worth what you’re charging. Regardless of whether a student loved or hated your class, it’s good to know that they found some value in what you taught them.

And if there are parts of your course a lot of students had trouble with, then it’s even more critical for you to improvise those parts again in future classes.

Did you understand the lessons?

It’s easy to grade papers and give feedback on class participation, but you can’t get a clear idea of how much students understand what you’re trying to teach them.

To get a sense of comprehension from your students (and find out whether there are topics that need more attention), use Likert scales (agree strongly, agree somewhat, etc.) or a scale of 1–5 so that students can give you feedback easily and quickly.

Are your classmates supportive?

This may seem like a no-brainer, but it’s an important point to note. Students who feel socially isolated or unsupported are more likely to experience anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues than their peers.

These problems can harm student grades, motivation, and energy for learning-so it’s essential to include this question in student survey questionnaires.

What did you like least about our course?

When considering feedback, it’s crucial not only to look at what students liked best about your class but also what they didn’t like so much.

Why? If many students give you an answer that you don’t agree with (or is hard for you to understand), it may be a sign that something in your presentation or interaction isn’t working.

How could this course be improved?

Here’s a template you can adapt while preparing this question:

If there was one thing you could change about [course], what would it be? If there were two things, what would they be? What surprised you most about [course]?

Have any suggestions for adding to or improving student services at XYZ University? Did you learn anything you didn’t expect to learn in [course]? Did your opinion of a teacher change during/after [course]?

An easy way to create a student survey forms

With HeyForm, university and school teachers can create student survey forms within minutes. We provide ready-made student survey form templates as well. Register with heyform.net to know more!

Originally published at https://heyform.net.




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